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Exfat Or Msdos Fat For Mac And Windows

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Exfat Or Msdos Fat For Mac And Windows 10

Hello, could you tell me which format I have to format an external hard disk to use with Time Machine in order to recover data on MAC or Windows.
Thank you very much for your answer.

  1. AirPort Extreme (802.11n) and Time Capsule do not support exFAT; Maximum file size: 16 EiB; Maximum volume size: 64 ZiB; You can use this format if it is supported by all computers with which you intend to share the drive. See 'disadvantages' for details. FAT32 (File Allocation Table) Read/Write FAT32 from both native Windows and native Mac OS X.
  2. If the XP machine can't install exFAT, like it's not verified, then MBR + FAT32 (MSDOS) and keep all files under 4GB in size. If you want to connect the drive to consoles and other devices, then MBR + FAT32 (MSDOS) Don't use NTFS. Drives, partitions, formatting w/Mac's + PC's.

Like Kappy says, TimeMachine only works on Mac's and it formats the drive itself, then it's files are mosly a pain to get at via anything else but TimeMachine on a Mac.
If you want something to backup the entire OS X side of the Mac and that can also be later accessed by a Windows PC (with MacDrive installed to read te HFS+ format), like if your not going to get another Mac again and want to get at your files, then you need a bootable clone drive.
If you want something that backs up only your user files to a external exFAT drive, (to be read on Windows, Mac or Linux machine) then there is plenty of software to do that, one is free called SyncTwoFolders and it does that, it makes sure both folders are Synced in ethier or in one way directions.
Most commonly used backup methods
Drives, partitions, formatting w/Mac's + PC's

Exfat Or Ms-dos Fat For Mac And Windows

Exfat Or Msdos Fat For Mac And Windows

Similar Messages

MS-DOS isn't a disk format; it's an operating system. Your best bet is NTFS. FAT32 (File Allocation Table) Read/Write FAT32 from both native Windows and native Mac OS X. Maximum file size: 4GB. Maximum volume size: 2TB; NTFS (Windows NT File System) Read/Write NTFS from native Windows. Read only NTFS from native Mac OS X.

Exfat Or Msdos Fat For Mac And Windows
  • How do I format an external HD for use on Mac and Windows? She has two laptops and have to use both.

    format the external for Mac and use MacDrive or HFS+ for Windows on the windows side.
    use the FAT32 format and live with the '4-GB-per-file' limit
    format the drive NTFS and install e.g. the NTFS 3G driver on the Mac.

  • What is the fastest and best external hard disks for video use with Imac (I believe it is currently not possible to use Esata on the Imac).

    For DVCam. HDV etc, I'm a fan of the G-raid drives. From personal experience they
    are very solid performers. I only had one issue with a new drive that was replaced
    next day. They are not the cheapest drives to be found but the build quality
    is excellent. Check out:

  • If I used external hard disk for back up time machine, is it possible to use that external hard disk to save another else from diffrent computers?

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    You can do this, but you should make a new volume on your external disk. Time Machine needs a volume that is only used to store backups, so you can't store other data in the same volume as the one you are using for making backups.
    If you want to create another volume on your external disk, use Disk Utility to do this > Anyway, you should get another external disk to store other files, but if you don't want to, you can create another volume in it

  • Hey all,
    I am in need of an external hard disk for my macbook, preferably one of decent size cause I wil be traveling in Europe from Sept to Dec. I was looking at the smart disk one.... ideas on what ones to look at and where to buy?

    I heartily recommend the Mercury drives from OWC. They are small, bus powered and very reliable due to the use of the Oxford chipset.
    If you do not mind carrying around a power adapter, then the Mercury Elite Pro drives found HERE come pre-configured up to 500GB and if you want you can buy the enclosure only and add a 750GB drive.
    That's a lot of storage!

  • How can i transfer all my data 250 GB from external hard disk to MAC pro

    The simple answer is just connect the external hard drive and drag the files from there to wherever you want them to go. If you need to do something more specific, you'll have to provide more details.

  • I'm considering baking up my iMac. I have a Lacie external hard disk with a Master Boot Record partition type. On it, there are already some data files from both Windows and Mac machines.
    I understand that, for Time Machine to work, the partition type needs to be changed to GUID (for Intel based Mac). Obviously, I will need to copy these data files to somewhere, then use Disk Utility to change the partition type, partition the hard disk (one partition to be used for Time Machine back-up).
    My question is, will it be safe to copy the data files (previously from Windows and Mac machines) back to another partition of the hard disk which will then has a GUID partition type? Will the files (including those from Windows machines) be usable?

    KenWong wrote:
    I'm considering baking up my iMac. I have a Lacie external hard disk with a Master Boot Record partition type. On it, there are already some data files from both Windows and Mac machines.
    I understand that, for Time Machine to work, the partition type needs to be changed to GUID (for Intel based Mac). Obviously, I will need to copy these data files to somewhere, then use Disk Utility to change the partition type, partition the hard disk (one partition to be used for Time Machine back-up).
    My question is, will it be safe to copy the data files (previously from Windows and Mac machines) back to another partition of the hard disk which will then has a GUID partition type? Will the files (including those from Windows machines) be usable?
    You're slightly mixing terminology.
    The *+Partition Map Scheme+* applies to the whole disk, whether it has one or multiple partitions. That's what needs to be GUID or +Apple Partition Map+.
    The Format applies to each partition, and may be different for each one. Your TM partition needs to be +Mac OS Extended (Journaled),+ the other one can be +MS-DOS (FAT)+ for use with Windoze.
    You can copy those files anywhere temporarily, while re-formattng the disk. It doesn't have to be a separate partition. It could even be CDs/DVDs. As long as you can copy and read back, it doesn't matter. If you put them on your boot drive, Windoze won't be able to read them while they're there, but once you get them back on a +MS-DOS (FAT)+ partition, it will.
    See the instructions in item #5 of the Frequently Asked Questions *User Tip* at the top of this forum.
    We usually recommend putting the Time Machine partition first (at the top of the diagram that Disk Utility will show you), so you can more easily expand or contract it later on, if you need to.

  • Is it safe to store the downloaded movies from iTunes in my Macbook Pro or do I need to store those separately in an external hard disk ? Please advice.

    It will be no better or worse than any other video file and should not be responsible for any system instability. As I alluded to earlier, video takes up a lot of space and you can quickly use up that 200 GB of space. Download a few files to you MBP and see what impact it has. I have a couple of external HDDs dedicated to video files (and backups of same) due to the large file sizes.
    If you find that space is getting tight on your MBP, then get an external for the video files and another one to back them up. I have a couple of external HDDs dedicated to video files (and backups of same) due to the large file sizes.

  • After installing Lion, I find that I could not enable sharing for my external hard disks. I right-clicked each hard disk in Finder, checked the Shared Folder box and after I close the window and reopen it, the Shared Folder box is again unchecked. In System Prefs, I have already enabled File Sharing. Also, I could not do Screen Sharing as well. What could be wrong? I didn't have all these problems with Snow Leopard. Now my media player (on the same network) cannot see the two hard disks attached to my iMac.

    If the external hard disk is connected via network, I found that if you connect to that hard disk through its IP address in a web browser and change it's folder preferences to (everyone can read/write), that will allow Lion to access the files.
    I had the same situation, and this worked. You can use a program called Magical Finder to locate the IP address.
    The site is in Japanese, but the software has English support. Really easy to use, but you could probably use any kind of network scanning software to find the ip address.

  • I use a couple of external hard disks, one with Time Machine for every day back-ups and another for occasional back-ups of large work files and videos I have purchased. It bothers me to see them sitting up there in the top right hand corner of my screen. Can I move them permanently somewhere else, into the Dock or Menu Bar say, and still have them permanently available?

    You can drag the drive icon from the desktop into the Dock.
    Then you can go to Finder > Preferences > General > Show these items on the desktop > uncheck External disks, and it should stay in the dock but not show on the desktop.
    There are third party apps that will give you Finder-like access to things in your Menu Bar, like Download XMenu for Mac - Menubar item lists/launches apps, and more. , but I would avoid third party GUI-changing apps like this if I were you, as they tend to be problematic, and install background processes which slow down your mac.

  • I'm considering buying an 80gb iPod. Just
    wondering if it can be used as an external
    hard drive, for example, to store movie
    files created with Final Cut? Or just
    as a back up drive for a MacBook?

    Yes, you can 'enable disk mode' on it and it will show up in the Finder as a normal hard drive. Any space not being used by iTunes to store you iPod playable music, vids, etc. can be used for anything you want just like a normal hard drive.
    I recently backed up my digital photos onto my 80GB in the disk drive section.

  • Seems a no brainer to me that I should be able to use an ipod as an external hard drive for my ipad. Hec, it's all apple but apparently not.
    Does anyone have a solution? if not, come on Apple, support your own products! I thought compatibility and interconnectivity were bywords for apple products.

    rortiz77 wrote:
    When I plug in my iPhone 5 into my PC, I should be able to see a new external drive connect. I can do that with my older iphone 4/4s...but not with my iphone 5. Why? Is that feature gone???
    Appearing as an external hard drive was never a feature of any iPhone model or iOS version. The only way your older phones could do this is if they are jailbroken.
    I'm just trying to backup my photo's and videos onto my own hard I can't. *****!
    That's easily done as descibed here:
    iOS: Importing personal photos and videos from iOS devices to your computer
    If you have a problem inporting photos/videos, see this:
    iOS: Unable to import photos to computer

  • i am wanting to purchase an external hard disk to be used with both a g4 and an intel imac 24'.
    i am considering a seagate barracuda 500gb or 750gb and purchasing an external case separately.
    interfaces - usb2, firewire 400 and 800.
    Do I need a case with the 'oxford chipset' to have it work.
    Are all seagates compatible these days.
    I was looking at a ultra ata100 hard disk. Will this disk connect automatically to the enclosure or will additional cables be required
    Is the Ice Cube Generation II Ide enclosure ok to use.
    Appreciate any help given
    dual 1 gig G4, Intel 24' Imac Mac OS X (10.4.8)

    The Ice Cube uses an Oxford chipset, (part of the external housings onboard controller) so it should be fine. The Oxford chipset has been shown to give the best compatibility and performance, thus being an desirable feature.
    Using a Seagate Ultra ATA 100 drive should give you good, quiet, reliable service. There are no problems with the Seagate ATA drives.
    Using the drive and housing with firewire will give you the best results, and firewire will allow you to use a bootable backup on the external drive, should the need be.
    The housing comes with all the necessary cables to connect and use your external drive.
    Insert the hard drive into the housing, connect the power and the firewire, format the hard drive, and you are ready to go..........
    G4AGP(450)Sawtooth, 2ghz PowerLogix, 2gbRAM, 300gbSATA+160gb HD, ATI Radeon 9800 Mac OS X (10.4.8) Pioneer DVR-109, LaCie 160gb, 23'Cinema Display, Ratoc USB2.0, Nikon Coolscan

  • I'm looking for a external hard drive for my Mac book air

    What features are important to you?
    HDD or SSD?
    Desktop or portable?
    Just about any USB external drive will function properly, with only a few exceptions. I would avoid the Toshiba Canvio using USB 3.0, as it has been the topic for numerous threads here wherein users have had problems using them with the MacBook Air.
    My personal favorite external HDD right now is the Seagate GoFlex, as I can use them with the Thunderbolt adapter. But I have been eyeing the new LaCie Rugged Thunderbolt.
    For super speed, I use a Crucial model M4, either using the Seagate Thunderbolt adapter, or I have some mounted in USB 3.0 housings.

  • Hello
    I have formatted my ipod mini to the mac, but I also have a PC at home which I want to transfer files to and from. Can the ipod still be used as an external hard disk between the macbook and the PC or is that not possible?

    If your iPod is formatted for Mac it won't run natively on a PC because the Windows OS does not support the HFS Plus file system and therefore will not see the drive. XPlay for instance gets good reviews and has the added functionality to let you copy your songs back to iTunes. MacDrive from the same company is not iPod specific it's for connecting any Mac formatted drives, if you want to use your iPod as a removable storage device it will work for that. You can get XPlay and MacDrive at these links:
    XPlay 2
    You can read another user's experience of using XPlay at this link: iPod on Mac and Windows


Exfat Or Msdos Fat For Mac And Windows 10

Hello, could you tell me which format I have to format an external hard disk to use with Time Machine in order to recover data on MAC or Windows.
Thank you very much for your answer.

  1. AirPort Extreme (802.11n) and Time Capsule do not support exFAT; Maximum file size: 16 EiB; Maximum volume size: 64 ZiB; You can use this format if it is supported by all computers with which you intend to share the drive. See 'disadvantages' for details. FAT32 (File Allocation Table) Read/Write FAT32 from both native Windows and native Mac OS X.
  2. If the XP machine can't install exFAT, like it's not verified, then MBR + FAT32 (MSDOS) and keep all files under 4GB in size. If you want to connect the drive to consoles and other devices, then MBR + FAT32 (MSDOS) Don't use NTFS. Drives, partitions, formatting w/Mac's + PC's.

Like Kappy says, TimeMachine only works on Mac's and it formats the drive itself, then it's files are mosly a pain to get at via anything else but TimeMachine on a Mac.
If you want something to backup the entire OS X side of the Mac and that can also be later accessed by a Windows PC (with MacDrive installed to read te HFS+ format), like if your not going to get another Mac again and want to get at your files, then you need a bootable clone drive.
If you want something that backs up only your user files to a external exFAT drive, (to be read on Windows, Mac or Linux machine) then there is plenty of software to do that, one is free called SyncTwoFolders and it does that, it makes sure both folders are Synced in ethier or in one way directions.
Most commonly used backup methods
Drives, partitions, formatting w/Mac's + PC's

Exfat Or Ms-dos Fat For Mac And Windows

Similar Messages

MS-DOS isn't a disk format; it's an operating system. Your best bet is NTFS. FAT32 (File Allocation Table) Read/Write FAT32 from both native Windows and native Mac OS X. Maximum file size: 4GB. Maximum volume size: 2TB; NTFS (Windows NT File System) Read/Write NTFS from native Windows. Read only NTFS from native Mac OS X.

  • How do I format an external HD for use on Mac and Windows? She has two laptops and have to use both.

    format the external for Mac and use MacDrive or HFS+ for Windows on the windows side.
    use the FAT32 format and live with the '4-GB-per-file' limit
    format the drive NTFS and install e.g. the NTFS 3G driver on the Mac.

  • What is the fastest and best external hard disks for video use with Imac (I believe it is currently not possible to use Esata on the Imac).

    For DVCam. HDV etc, I'm a fan of the G-raid drives. From personal experience they
    are very solid performers. I only had one issue with a new drive that was replaced
    next day. They are not the cheapest drives to be found but the build quality
    is excellent. Check out:

  • If I used external hard disk for back up time machine, is it possible to use that external hard disk to save another else from diffrent computers?

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    You can do this, but you should make a new volume on your external disk. Time Machine needs a volume that is only used to store backups, so you can't store other data in the same volume as the one you are using for making backups.
    If you want to create another volume on your external disk, use Disk Utility to do this > Anyway, you should get another external disk to store other files, but if you don't want to, you can create another volume in it

  • Hey all,
    I am in need of an external hard disk for my macbook, preferably one of decent size cause I wil be traveling in Europe from Sept to Dec. I was looking at the smart disk one.... ideas on what ones to look at and where to buy?

    I heartily recommend the Mercury drives from OWC. They are small, bus powered and very reliable due to the use of the Oxford chipset.
    If you do not mind carrying around a power adapter, then the Mercury Elite Pro drives found HERE come pre-configured up to 500GB and if you want you can buy the enclosure only and add a 750GB drive.
    That's a lot of storage!

  • How can i transfer all my data 250 GB from external hard disk to MAC pro

    The simple answer is just connect the external hard drive and drag the files from there to wherever you want them to go. If you need to do something more specific, you'll have to provide more details.

  • I'm considering baking up my iMac. I have a Lacie external hard disk with a Master Boot Record partition type. On it, there are already some data files from both Windows and Mac machines.
    I understand that, for Time Machine to work, the partition type needs to be changed to GUID (for Intel based Mac). Obviously, I will need to copy these data files to somewhere, then use Disk Utility to change the partition type, partition the hard disk (one partition to be used for Time Machine back-up).
    My question is, will it be safe to copy the data files (previously from Windows and Mac machines) back to another partition of the hard disk which will then has a GUID partition type? Will the files (including those from Windows machines) be usable?

    KenWong wrote:
    I'm considering baking up my iMac. I have a Lacie external hard disk with a Master Boot Record partition type. On it, there are already some data files from both Windows and Mac machines.
    I understand that, for Time Machine to work, the partition type needs to be changed to GUID (for Intel based Mac). Obviously, I will need to copy these data files to somewhere, then use Disk Utility to change the partition type, partition the hard disk (one partition to be used for Time Machine back-up).
    My question is, will it be safe to copy the data files (previously from Windows and Mac machines) back to another partition of the hard disk which will then has a GUID partition type? Will the files (including those from Windows machines) be usable?
    You're slightly mixing terminology.
    The *+Partition Map Scheme+* applies to the whole disk, whether it has one or multiple partitions. That's what needs to be GUID or +Apple Partition Map+.
    The Format applies to each partition, and may be different for each one. Your TM partition needs to be +Mac OS Extended (Journaled),+ the other one can be +MS-DOS (FAT)+ for use with Windoze.
    You can copy those files anywhere temporarily, while re-formattng the disk. It doesn't have to be a separate partition. It could even be CDs/DVDs. As long as you can copy and read back, it doesn't matter. If you put them on your boot drive, Windoze won't be able to read them while they're there, but once you get them back on a +MS-DOS (FAT)+ partition, it will.
    See the instructions in item #5 of the Frequently Asked Questions *User Tip* at the top of this forum.
    We usually recommend putting the Time Machine partition first (at the top of the diagram that Disk Utility will show you), so you can more easily expand or contract it later on, if you need to.

  • Is it safe to store the downloaded movies from iTunes in my Macbook Pro or do I need to store those separately in an external hard disk ? Please advice.

    It will be no better or worse than any other video file and should not be responsible for any system instability. As I alluded to earlier, video takes up a lot of space and you can quickly use up that 200 GB of space. Download a few files to you MBP and see what impact it has. I have a couple of external HDDs dedicated to video files (and backups of same) due to the large file sizes.
    If you find that space is getting tight on your MBP, then get an external for the video files and another one to back them up. I have a couple of external HDDs dedicated to video files (and backups of same) due to the large file sizes.

  • After installing Lion, I find that I could not enable sharing for my external hard disks. I right-clicked each hard disk in Finder, checked the Shared Folder box and after I close the window and reopen it, the Shared Folder box is again unchecked. In System Prefs, I have already enabled File Sharing. Also, I could not do Screen Sharing as well. What could be wrong? I didn't have all these problems with Snow Leopard. Now my media player (on the same network) cannot see the two hard disks attached to my iMac.

    If the external hard disk is connected via network, I found that if you connect to that hard disk through its IP address in a web browser and change it's folder preferences to (everyone can read/write), that will allow Lion to access the files.
    I had the same situation, and this worked. You can use a program called Magical Finder to locate the IP address.
    The site is in Japanese, but the software has English support. Really easy to use, but you could probably use any kind of network scanning software to find the ip address.

  • I use a couple of external hard disks, one with Time Machine for every day back-ups and another for occasional back-ups of large work files and videos I have purchased. It bothers me to see them sitting up there in the top right hand corner of my screen. Can I move them permanently somewhere else, into the Dock or Menu Bar say, and still have them permanently available?

    You can drag the drive icon from the desktop into the Dock.
    Then you can go to Finder > Preferences > General > Show these items on the desktop > uncheck External disks, and it should stay in the dock but not show on the desktop.
    There are third party apps that will give you Finder-like access to things in your Menu Bar, like Download XMenu for Mac - Menubar item lists/launches apps, and more. , but I would avoid third party GUI-changing apps like this if I were you, as they tend to be problematic, and install background processes which slow down your mac.

  • I'm considering buying an 80gb iPod. Just
    wondering if it can be used as an external
    hard drive, for example, to store movie
    files created with Final Cut? Or just
    as a back up drive for a MacBook?

    Yes, you can 'enable disk mode' on it and it will show up in the Finder as a normal hard drive. Any space not being used by iTunes to store you iPod playable music, vids, etc. can be used for anything you want just like a normal hard drive.
    I recently backed up my digital photos onto my 80GB in the disk drive section.

  • Seems a no brainer to me that I should be able to use an ipod as an external hard drive for my ipad. Hec, it's all apple but apparently not.
    Does anyone have a solution? if not, come on Apple, support your own products! I thought compatibility and interconnectivity were bywords for apple products.

    rortiz77 wrote:
    When I plug in my iPhone 5 into my PC, I should be able to see a new external drive connect. I can do that with my older iphone 4/4s...but not with my iphone 5. Why? Is that feature gone???
    Appearing as an external hard drive was never a feature of any iPhone model or iOS version. The only way your older phones could do this is if they are jailbroken.
    I'm just trying to backup my photo's and videos onto my own hard I can't. *****!
    That's easily done as descibed here:
    iOS: Importing personal photos and videos from iOS devices to your computer
    If you have a problem inporting photos/videos, see this:
    iOS: Unable to import photos to computer

  • i am wanting to purchase an external hard disk to be used with both a g4 and an intel imac 24'.
    i am considering a seagate barracuda 500gb or 750gb and purchasing an external case separately.
    interfaces - usb2, firewire 400 and 800.
    Do I need a case with the 'oxford chipset' to have it work.
    Are all seagates compatible these days.
    I was looking at a ultra ata100 hard disk. Will this disk connect automatically to the enclosure or will additional cables be required
    Is the Ice Cube Generation II Ide enclosure ok to use.
    Appreciate any help given
    dual 1 gig G4, Intel 24' Imac Mac OS X (10.4.8)

    The Ice Cube uses an Oxford chipset, (part of the external housings onboard controller) so it should be fine. The Oxford chipset has been shown to give the best compatibility and performance, thus being an desirable feature.
    Using a Seagate Ultra ATA 100 drive should give you good, quiet, reliable service. There are no problems with the Seagate ATA drives.
    Using the drive and housing with firewire will give you the best results, and firewire will allow you to use a bootable backup on the external drive, should the need be.
    The housing comes with all the necessary cables to connect and use your external drive.
    Insert the hard drive into the housing, connect the power and the firewire, format the hard drive, and you are ready to go..........
    G4AGP(450)Sawtooth, 2ghz PowerLogix, 2gbRAM, 300gbSATA+160gb HD, ATI Radeon 9800 Mac OS X (10.4.8) Pioneer DVR-109, LaCie 160gb, 23'Cinema Display, Ratoc USB2.0, Nikon Coolscan

  • I'm looking for a external hard drive for my Mac book air

    What features are important to you?
    HDD or SSD?
    Desktop or portable?
    Just about any USB external drive will function properly, with only a few exceptions. I would avoid the Toshiba Canvio using USB 3.0, as it has been the topic for numerous threads here wherein users have had problems using them with the MacBook Air.
    My personal favorite external HDD right now is the Seagate GoFlex, as I can use them with the Thunderbolt adapter. But I have been eyeing the new LaCie Rugged Thunderbolt.
    For super speed, I use a Crucial model M4, either using the Seagate Thunderbolt adapter, or I have some mounted in USB 3.0 housings.

  • Hello
    I have formatted my ipod mini to the mac, but I also have a PC at home which I want to transfer files to and from. Can the ipod still be used as an external hard disk between the macbook and the PC or is that not possible?

    If your iPod is formatted for Mac it won't run natively on a PC because the Windows OS does not support the HFS Plus file system and therefore will not see the drive. XPlay for instance gets good reviews and has the added functionality to let you copy your songs back to iTunes. MacDrive from the same company is not iPod specific it's for connecting any Mac formatted drives, if you want to use your iPod as a removable storage device it will work for that. You can get XPlay and MacDrive at these links:
    XPlay 2
    You can read another user's experience of using XPlay at this link: iPod on Mac and Windows

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